July 19, 2021
Implementing the finest battery maintenance practices to avoid Data Center downtime.
Download the complete Whitepaper concerning preventive maintenance and lifespan of UPS battery system.

Data Center downtime is a serious risk to an organization’s productivity and profitability. The risk needs to be mitigated by best practices in performing regular maintenance and testing activities.

UPS system failure, which accounts for 29% of all root causes, remains the top reason of unplanned data center outages: these types of electrical failure can be traced to UPS systems as well as batteries.

Source: Uptime Institute

In fact, while batteries may be the most “low-tech” components supporting today’s data centers, a regularly maintained UPS battery system is key to infrastructure's continuous operation. Ignoring maintenance and/or service recommendations and letting the battery system fall into a poor state increases the risk to both the critical load and business continuity. While the majority of outages last less than 10 seconds, a single bad cell in a string can put your entire backup power system at risk, especially when redundancy has not been implemented. Read the complete article downloading the whitepaper on the lifespan of batteries and how to implement the best battery maintenance practices to avoid Data Center downtime



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